Hunters Support

Success Stories

Sábiè Game Park (Mozambique)

Sábiè Game Park is situated on the Eastern Border of the Kruger National Park in Mozambique. Being an integral component of a significant Transfrontier Conservation Area between Mozambique and South Africa. The current boundary being the Corumana Dam fed by the Sabie River and to the North the Massintonto River. This 48km boundary with the park and 30 000ha (74 000 acres) to the east is one of the finest hunting areas in Africa today. Where sustainable wildlife utilisation is practiced as a means of conservation in securing the future of this Park.

You can now experience Big 5, especially Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Buffalo and is the first and only Rhino sanctuary in Mozambique. Plains game abound with plentiful Hippo in the dam in an area that only a few Buffalo remained.

Today this Wildlife paradise boasts over 500 Elephants and is teeming with game. Hunter’s dollars have been used to rehabilitate the area and spent to protect the wildlife with buy-in from the local communities.

By working with major service delivery partners, the Sábiè Game Park has introduced a wide range of innovative agricultural and community development initiatives into the wider area where the Game Park is located.

The development of the Game Park and its environs will dramatically improve the lives and future prospects of many Moçambicans.
