Hunters Support

Let It Swim

Most of our members are keen fishermen and many have fished and hunted along the shores of Pongolapoort or Jozini Dam. We are not only concerned about the future of hunting but also the future of Tiger Fish, an endemic species with a limited distribution in South Africa and listed as a TOPs species. The FOUNDATION has decided to sponsor the South African Police Services Waterwing Task Team in support of their anti-poaching and gill netting operations in the area.

These operations have accounted for many illegals boats/crafts and over 23 kilometres of gill nets seized and destroyed. These operations will hopefully secure the future of our children’s heritage.

The FOUNDATION thanks the dedicated SAPS Waterwing Task Force members for their dedicated efforts to reduce poaching and gill netting in and around Jozini Dam. We support their efforts.

SAPS Waterwing removing illegal gill nets

SA Police Waterwing

SAPS Waterwing destroying poacher’s boats

Whatever floats your boat